Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The Danger of Excess Anything Mary Katherine May

There is danger in excess of anything. 
In plain English: Too much of a good thing breeds trouble, discontent, and hardship.

The Danger of Excess in Anything
Excess speed on the road puts others in danger.

Excess food leads to obesity, trouble getting around and health issues.

Excess ownership of what belongs to everyone, as in roads leads to exploding anger, aka road rage.

Excess need for power and wealth leads to abuse of the masses.

Excess single-mindedness in politics leads to harm for the populace because we are not a single-minded nation. We see it today in Mr. Obama's lack of ability to work with anyone who won't give him his way as well as in politicians at both the far left and right.

Excess in wanting rights to live without any rules leads to chaos and disruption of those who want only to live in peace.

Excess government control leads to diminished rights and freedoms. Our leaders often forget that government is not only for the people but also government is to be by the people--the right to make choices by the individual, the community, and the state.

Excess in differentiation of peoples at many levels leads to confrontation, discord, and lack of harmonious living among all.  

That old saying is true, You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink.  I see today an excess of too much forced control put into place by people who although well-meaning do not take the time to foresee the consequences of their actions.  What is better for some while hurting others is not a successful solution.

So here it isSTOP!
No one has it right. No one is being abused. Everyone is playing unfair.
No has their listening ears on.  
No one is earning their keep.
As my Mom (blessed memory) would say: "Get off your high horse!"

Our national government from the White House to the Congress to the Senate is the biggest, most gigantic dysfunctional family in this country.  They are no different than a house full of immature, spoiled children who all want their way while trying to cover up their selfishness by claiming good intentions.  If our leaders in Washington D.C. were a real family there would already have been a bitter divorce with restraining orders on both sides.

It takes two to tango, both mutually dancing their designated part.  Will there be real compromise and action in 2015?  The answer is only if the most hardened offenders, from Ted Cruz to Barrack Obama grow up and start acting like the mature adults that they are supposed to be.

Will our representatives, leaders, political activists, and president grow up?  If they actually listened to us plain-old regular Americans they might, but thus far there is little indication that they are.  I hope, because as a Christian that is what I do.  And I pray. I hope you will too.

This blog post article by Mary Katherine May of Quality Music and Books.

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