Friday, December 13, 2013

Excuse Me Atheist Dave Muscato Jesus Is NOT Dead!

Opinion Commentary by Mary Katherine May

Atheist Dave Muscato appeared on
the O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel
Friday, December 13th and declared that
Jesus "has been dead for a long time."
ExCUSE me! Atheist Dave Muscato!!

1. Jesus Christ is NOT dead, as you will find out one day.

2. Christians go to church on Christmas and Easter because they DO believe it so important that those are the two days each year that they cannot miss.

3. Separation of Church and State means that our democracy is not to be ruled by a monarch who believes himself appointed by God.  Separation of Church and State does NOT mean that God is to be legally removed from all society.

4. There is no Christian forcing Jesus Christ "down your throat." It's fine by me, a Christian, if you choose to reject Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. You are obviously bothered in your spirit by the Savior of the World.

FREE speech means FREE speech.  Speak all you will, but don't stifle Christians.  Yes, you are attacking and hating Christians.  If you don't think that, you are fooling only yourself.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Cub Foods 3 Pound Ground Beef Package a Bargain or False Packaging

Cub Foods brand 100% Ground Beef
How Many Pounds of Ground Beef Are in the Cub Foods Brand 3 Pound Package?

by Mary Katherine May

On Sunday my husband make a quick trip to Cub Foods in Crystal, Minnesota, to pick up a few very need basic food items.  One of the products I requested was one pound of ground beef.  Because he is more of a value shopper than I am he came home with their 3-pound tube package of hamburger.  

Three pounds of ground beef sliced at the mark points will not make 14 one-fourth pound hamburger patties.
The package has markings like sticks of butter.  In this case, the lines are where the beef can be sliced to make 1/4-pound hamburger patties.  REALLY?  Look at the photo.  The lines mark off 14 sections.

Well! We thought. Maybe we got a real bargain. 14 patties at 1/4-pound each makes for 3-1/2 pounds of ground beef.  We weighed it on our postage scale and discovered that not only was there no extra hamburger in the package, but that the total weight including the packaging was exactly 3.0 pounds. 

Now let's get this straight. The Cub Foods 3-pound tube package of ground  beef does not even contain 3 pounds of meat unless you eat the plastic vinyl stuff in which it is wrapped that makes it freezer ready and the metal fasteners on the ends, too.
Cubs Foods brand 3-pound ground beef package weighs exactly 3 pounds including the packaging materials.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Is There Tolerance Between Atheists and Christians

Photo of the cross atop
St. Mary's Hospital in Rochester, MN,
taken by Mary Katherine May.
Do Atheists Demonstrate Tolerance Toward Christians?
An opinion commentary by Mary Katherine May.
    Before my commentary on this blogpost, I am offering several definitions upon which my opinions are based.  Although my remarks are presented from a general point of view, please remember that they do not apply to all who claim to be atheists, but rather to those who participate in the removal of all aspects of Christianity from public life in the United States of America. 
    ...Mary Katherine May

Q: Is atheism a religion? 
A: By definition number 4, yes, it is.  See below.

religion  n. from
1. a. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.  b. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.  2. The life or condition of a person in a religious order.  3. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.  4. A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.

Q: What is the definition of tolerance
A: tolerance  n. 1. The capacity for or the practice of recognizing and respecting the beliefs or practices of others.

Q: What does it mean to be an atheist?
A: atheism n. 1. Disbelief in or denial of the existence of God or gods.  2. The doctrine that there is no God or gods.

Does it seem to you as it does to me that those who practice the atheist religion are determined to remove every aspect of Christianity from view?  Do atheists appear to have a skewed view of what separation of church and state means?  Do the words that you hear from atheists sound as though they believe that they are on a righteous path for all? 

When I hear on the news about the new targets public Christianity chosen by atheists to be removed from public view, I just don't get it.  How do these things pose a threat to them or society?  Their behavior displays anger and fear, and complete INtolerance against those who think differently than they do. 

What should these very vocal atheists do?  To begin with, perhaps if they don't believe in Christ, then not a single one of them should take part in any CHRISTmas traditions or celebrations.  If the cross which became a symbol of the Christian faith so long ago has no meaning for them, then why does it bother them so much?  What is going on in their minds and hearts spiritually?

Separation of church and state to those who wrote the first documents for the United States of America were about keeping the government from turning into a form of government other than the democracy practiced in the U.S.A. (link to types of government), not about its citizens living out their faith in their public and private lives.

Tolerance that respects differences in lifestyle choices and faith practices does NOT include exempting the choices and practices of those with whom we disagree. 

I don't agree with the practices of Islam but I don't expect Muslim women to quit wearing the Burqa.  
I eat meat but I don't expect vegetarian restaurants to serve me meat if I go there.
I find a lot of the music played over the loud speakers in stores, restaurants and malls painfully offensive to my ears yet I don't make a big stink about it until it's removed.
I am opposed to celebrating Christmas without Christ and though I think it quite sad I don't expect those who do so to stop.
I am none of the initials that make up LGBT but I believe those whom the LGBT represents are entitled to all of the rights that I have.
I really wonder what is so threatening in the Christian faith that makes those who practice the atheist religion so set on removing every remnant of Christianity from public view. I don't hate atheists.
It seems to me that if atheists could have their way completely Christians would be back to praying in catacombs. While crimes against Christians are escalating in other parts of the world we think it won't happen here. But it could. Because of this rampage against Christians in public. The behavior of atheists shows no tolerance at all, but it does show that the God in whom they don't believe bothers them quite a lot.

What then should be the Christian response?  I have some thoughts about what not to do, but as for the solution I cannot say for certain.  It is not appropriate for Christians to act out behavior based on emotion.  It is appropriate for Christians to respond according to biblical teaching.  Prayer, kindness, and respectful speech should be on the to do list.  Turning the other cheek is about forgiveness but not necessarily silence. God is the one who must be directing any action, and not our hurt feelings.

Is God systematically being removed from American culture? Yes.
When God is removed does Evil takes its place? Yes.
If we Christians, however, demonstrate the same INtolerance  toward others who are not Christians as those who are not Christian demonstrate toward us, then we are doing that with which we disagree.  We are not doing unto others as we would have them do unto us. (Matthew 7:12). 

Before responding toward those of the atheist religion who are demonstrating intolerance toward Christians, pray, think logically and not out of emotion, and then practice respectful behavior.  If it doesn't work and very often in these current times it won't, then leave the situation in the hands of God who never fails those who believe in him.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Last Minute Thanksgiving Dinner Suggestions

November 24, 2013
Mary Katherine May
     Since we had an early Thanksgiving get-together this weekend I thought I might offer suggestions from recipes we tried for the first time that I found on the internet.  I don't like to just give links usually, but with food that's about all that is feasible.
                        ....Mary Katherine May

Crock Pot Stuffing
For the first time we tried a stuffing/dressing recipe made in the crock pot.  Every year it's a big discussion among our family members: whether to bake the stuffing inside or outside the turkey. This one uses fresh herbs, and I am sure if you don't have fresh available dried will do.

We made two recipes which filled a large crock pot to the top.  It stick to the bottom of the crock quite a bit but if you like the flavor of the crusties it's not a problem.  Also, we did stir at least once because the top bread pieces didn't look to have been saturated with liquid.

The recipe is simply called, Crock Pot Stuffing, found on the eat2gather website.

What is turkey and Thanksgiving without cranberries?  Well, for me it's no big deal but many people like them.  This year for the first time we prepared a fresh cranberry tangerine relish, the recipe originating from Kenny and Zuke's Delicatessen in Oregon.  No cooking!  I must admit I was a little unsure of trying it since I didn't know that cranberries could be prepared fresh.  This recipe is fast, easy and delicious.  Probably great on toast and with other foods anytime of the year, too.  I did think it was a little sweet for my taste.  We will most definitely make it again but use a little less sugar.  One recipe makes about two cups.

For many the only acceptable dessert on Thanksgiving is pie: Apple, Pumpkin and Pecan pies were always what we had on Thanksgiving.  It was and still is tradition.  This year we decided to break with tradition to help us get ready with things going  a bit slow around the old homestead.  We tried two new recipes from the Taste of Home website.  The first was a caramel apple cheesecake.  You will need a spring form pan to make this cheesecake and when done your result as ours did should look just like the picture that accompanies the recipe. Delicious but it came out a little soft--not sure if the error was the recipe's or my husbands, yet the taste was excellent as it should be--it won a prize!

Our second dessert was in place of the pecan pie and guess what? The bars taste exactly like a rich pecan pie. They were a big hit with the family.  These appropriately named cashew-pecan pie bars will surely become a favorite at holiday time, when you need to bring a dessert and also as a food gift.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Mary Katherine May
There Are People in This Mary Katherine May

There are people in this world who grow up in happy, well-balanced homes with loving  parents and fabulous extended family. They have good jobs that support them in a comfortable manner, are emotionally mature and stable, and continue on in the tradition of raising happy, healthy, well-balanced descendants from generation to generation.

These people get along with everyone and are well liked. They always say exactly the right thing, perform the most thoughtful acts, go to church every Sunday and perform social and civic duties to the benefit of others. They pay their bills on time, keep their homes in excellent condition and always groom their lawns and plants as they should.

They eat healthy, live healthy, exercise, go to bed on time and eat an apple every day to keep the doctor away.  There are people in this world like this, but I don't know a single one except in name only.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Cooking and Eating No Salt Added Diet

by Mary Katherine May

If you are a person who truly enjoys well-seasoned food with adequate saltiness this is really tough.  But the choice can come down to being alive or dead.  The reality is that high blood pressure and its complications, stroke and heart attacks kill.  A family history where this is happened before doesn't make any of us immune, it makes us vulnerable.

Recommended daily salt intake is
one measly teaspoon for people up
to 51 years old, less if older.
The recommended amount of table salt day is 1 measuring teaspoon. That's it.  If you start reading labels you will see how MUCH salt is added to EVERYTHING.  And the thing about salt is that the more you use the more you want.

I have high blood pressure.  I went to a specialist called a nephrologist who over the course of several months found the right combination of medications to bring the numbers into the normal range, and after one year I believe some tweaking needs to be done.

Now don't think you can change your salt habits without effort.  It can, however, be done.  Nearly everything you might buy in the store that is canned, boxed, frozen or packaged is full of added salt.  Salt is a preservative that people like.

My Rick and I have gone to cooking at home with one-ingredient foods.  That means that the food we use for the most part has one name only: beets, chicken, lettuce, beef, oats, etc.  Not all home cooking takes a lot of time.  It's now how long food takes to prepare, it is what food you use for your meals and snacks.

Enough about me.  To start off, here are a few suggestions that I have learned from experience.

1. Using vinegar on salads is healthy but some are pretty strong. Rice vinegar is fairly mild and a nice change from the darker vinegars like balsamic and red wine.

Our taste buds say that Heinz is tastier than Hunts.
2. As a ketchup enthusiast I just cannot give up my ketchup.  We tried two no salt added ketchups that are available online and in many supermarkets.  Heinz no-salt ketchup is very close to their regular version.  I found Hunts no-salt added ketchup way too sweet for my palate. We bought a case of the Heinz on amazon and didn't have to pay shipping.  The Hunts we bought in a local supermarket and didn't even finish using our supply because of the sweetness dominating the tomato flavor.

3. Many of the mixed seasonings that are no salt include chili powder.  This may be something you want to check.  Taste testing so far leads me to recommend Chef Paul Prudhomme no-salt seasonings.  In the Mrs. Dash line I prefer the extra spicy mix.

4. With soy sauce I have found that a little bit of it flavors the dish just as much as a larger bit.  On one visit to the grocery store Rick and I must have read every soy sauce label for sodium content.  Honestly, light or regular doesn't matter. Don't fool yourself into thinking that the lite sauces give you carte blanche permission to indulge. They are all extremely high in salt content.

5.  My new discovery that was actually introduced to me by a fellow bookseller is fresh rosemary in home cooked chicken soup and broth.  It is on the perfumey side so if you haven't cooked soup with it before use caution.  What I do is use a tea ball.  I put my rosemary and whole peppercorns into the ball--then I get the flavor without the spikey rosemary leaves and don't have to dig the peppercorns out of the soup.

6.  A teaspoon to a tablespoon of lemon juice added to cooking food can add a nice zippy flavor without adding burning spice.

Yigantes (Gigantes) Giant Lima Beans
7. During the last Lenten season we discovered these huge Yigantes (Gigantes) Greek lima beans and tasty meatless dish.  It's great any time of the year.

8. When cooking dried beans I add some baking soda to the water when soaking.  This adds salt flavor to the beans and also allows a portion to be drained off if there is excess water.  Also good for bean gas.  But be cautious and watched the cooked pot--beans soaked in baking soda will boil over in the blink of an eye.

9. When soaking dried beans and grains add onion and garlic, hot peppers if you like to the water.  This will give great flavor to the whole beans while they soften and cook.

Honest truth: It is easier to kick the salt habit if you like a little or a lot of spice on your foods.  Heat goes a long way toward eliminating the desire for sodium rich foods. Your likes and dislikes need to be compatible with your goals of better eating habits or you will never stick with it.

Don't give up when you slack off.  Don't quit trying to improve your eating habits.  Sometimes it is impossible to keep on task when you are out to dinner at a friend's home, traveling or on vacation.  Just DO NOT QUIT.

There are many sites with recipe calculators, some free and some with a fee that most likely offer more options.  Just today I discovered the sparkpeople site.  With a recipe calculator you can put in the food or recipe ingredients you are going to eat or use and it will give you calorie and nutrition information.  It's a great tool for figuring portions, calories and other things when you must cook your own dishes with one-ingredient foods.

I looked at the American Diabetes Association (ADA) information on counting carbohydrates in foods.  The problem is that their recommendation is to read labels.  Have you ever seen a label on a cabbage or beet or tomato you picked from your garden?  So, it seems, that logical as it may sound for the ADA to tell diabetics to read labels with such instructions they really don't encourage eating healthy, home cooked food.

October 6, 2013: I used the spark people recipe calculator site to enter the ingredients I put into one of my favorite meals, a one-serving pot of no salt added chicken soup.  If you wanted it less spicy all you need to do is eliminate some of the pepper.  This is a gigantic serving.  I couldn't finish it.  Total calories according to the recipe calculator: 426. Sodium: 250 mg. Carbs: 32.6.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Garage Sales Free Tips Planning Provides for Positive Results

Helpful Hints for High Success at Home Sales
Helpful Hints for High Success

By Mary Katherine May of
Adobe PDF Download of this blogpost. 

Garage Sales are called…
  • Garage Sale
  • Yard Sale
  • Tag Sale
  • Living Estate Sale (owner of items alive)
  • Estate Sale (owner of items dead)

I buy because I am a…
  • Consumer
  • Collector
  • Reseller

I have bought at garage sales because of…
  • Need
  • Future need
  • Appearance
  • Curiosity

What someone will pay for a garage sale item is based on one or more of the above and other criteria.  First and foremost, what is received for the item must make the seller satisfied.  Bartering to sell is fine.  Agreeing on a bartered price that makes the seller uncomfortable is not reasonable.

If you don’t want to sell for a price that is less than your expectation, whatever the reason, then say no. Keep it or donate it.  A seller may benefit more by donating the item, getting a donation receipt, and using it as a tax deduction when possible. It is far more satisfying to donate to a worthy case than to feel you have been gypped.

I price items for reasonable expectation of value
  • What would I pay
  • Emotional value
  • Product value
  • Sight appeal

Selling with Others
Take time to discuss and agree, don’t assume.  If you have a question, ask and come to agreement. It is better to ask what you think is a silly question than to find out later you were silly for not asking it. Be clear on who will be doing what before, during and after the sale.

Before the Sale
  • Start early-it takes longer than you think to get ready for a sale.
  • Clean and neat rule—unappealing, dirty and worn out items are not desirable.
  • Internet advertising is a must. Look for free sites.
  • Downloadable app for getting totals and keeping track of sales.
  • Read about what others have done with their garage sales.
  • Check sold prices online on eBay and other sites.
  • Plan ahead for having enough tables to put your sale items on, clothing racks, etc.
  • Have a plan B for rainy weather
  • Curb appeal—people will not stop if driving by the sale and see nothing that might interest them.
  • Think if you want a place for people to try on clothes.
  • Shopping baskets—baskets with handles you might have in your house.
  • Plan for after the sale—keep, discard, or donate?  If donating, schedule ahead for a charity pickup.
  • Decide if you will let people in early

During the Sale
  • Walk around and tidy up, make it look like you have shoppers during slow traffic times.
  • Be patient and polite, never argue. State your price and leave it at that.
  • Cell phone handy for emergency calls
  • Park a car or two on the street to make it look like you have shoppers.
  • Block off your driveway.
  • Keep track of your cash—don’t let it out of your site.
  • Have a trash can for buyers
  • Have bags and boxes for shoppers.
  • Have available someone who can help to carry heavy items to cars.
  • Know where the nearest available restroom is and how to get there.
  • Put out a few chairs—people with tired feet or have trouble standing will buy a lot more if they don’t need to leave.