Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Albert Schweitzer: 1875-1965
140 years ago, on January 15, 1875, Albert Schweitzer was born.  Today's quote from Schweitzer echoes the words of Jesus Christ on helping others.

"I have always held firmly 
to the thought that each one 
of us can do a little to bring 
some portion of misery to an end."

We all need help at some time or another, and most likely it will be many times.  Every act of kindness increases love in the world.  People who are kind and helpful are respected and admired. 

Kindness is also its own reward.  Whether or not we are acknowledged for what we have done or thanked, it feels good to do something that helps or betters someone else.

The Golden Rule says it right: Do for others what you would want done for you. (Matthew 7:12)

Kindness is noticed by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ (Matthew 25):
"Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: For I was hungry and you fed me, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, you didn't know me but still you took care of me.  I didn't have anything to wear and you gave me clothes, I was sick and you visted me, I was in prison and you came. "
The blessed, righteous people asked, "When did we do these things for you?" 
And He replied, "When you did these things for others, my brothers and sisters, you also did them for me."
Given the current situation in our world where violence is to prevalent due to Radical Islamic Terrorists, we can do our small part to counteract the Satanic evil acts by doing acts of kindness.  Us regular, common folk can't do great things to end suffering wherever it exists.  

What we can do instead of feeling helpless and standing on shaky ground is to be kinder, more thoughtful and helpful.  Ultimately evil never triumphs over good.  God will see to that. 

We are either part of the problem or part of the solution.  Here is what terrorists hate: Love, kindness, compassion, helpfulness, being kind to all who need help.  Why not start ASAP combating evil in the space you occupy?  You will win and so will those you help.

LINK to Wikipedia article about Albert Schweitzer.
LINK to documentary on the life of Albert Schweitzer on YouTube.com 

This blog post by Mary Katherine May of QualityMusicandBooks.com.

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