Sunday, November 2, 2014

Unbelievable President Obama Says Day Care Better Than Mom Raising Children

As Obama likes to state over and over and over again, Let me be perfectly clear...Hired help as in daycare does NOT do a better job of raising children than the parents of the children. Some mothers believe that staying at home to raise their children, not being in the workplace is NOT a punishment but an important role in life.

Rather than belittle stay at home moms, they should be honored for the work they do, often without gratitude they should have, and praise them for standing firm on the priority for preparing the children they birthed to be honest, righteous, upstanding adults who contribute much to society.

It is not surprising that Mr. Obama would make this statement since his remarks in the past regarding abortion--he would want his daughters to have an abortion if they get pregnant rather than be punished for the rest of their lives--demonstrates his lack of basic human morality.

Let me be perfectly clear, Mr. Obama, a child in the womb, created not by his or her own will has no ability to punish anyone. Saying that a baby who is unable to speak for itself is punishment removes the responsibility from the responsible parties.  Again, the comment demonstrates his lack of basic morality.

I encourage Christians to pray for Barrack Obama, who desperately needs a spiritual intervention that will soften his heart and ultimately lead him to becoming a vessel of Godly compassion for those he is supposed to be leading, the Citizens of the United States of America.

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