Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Confusing Obama Press Conference 5 November 2014 What Republicans Want

Mr. Obama held a press conference today, sort of a post-election wrap up. He said that before making any decisions he needs to find out what the Republicans want. What??? Am I the only one wondering why after 6 years in office he doesn't know what the Republican representatives want??? 

Have the Republicans in the U.S. Senate and Congress been mute for six years?
Did Mr. Obama choose not to listen to anyone but himself?
Will the President of Some-of-the-People of the United States of American listen now?

When Mr. Obama doesn't listen to Republicans in the same city where he works and resides who represent the people of the United States of America, specifically Americans who believe in the Republican ideology, he has also not listened to anyone of the Republican ilk in this country.  That is shameful and disrespectful, and pathetically sad.

I listened to Mr. Obama today from beginning to end. I have listened to him many, many times from beginning to end.  Evidently him reciprocating in turn will not happen in the next two years, either.  Mr. Obama is unbelievable.

I would tell Mr. Obama to put his listening ears on, or even buy him some Q-tips to open his ears up, but it wouldn't do any good.  You see, we who disagree with anything on his agenda don't matter. Not one bit.

...Mary Katherine May

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