Thursday, November 6, 2014

To Michelle Obama and All You Other Righteous Fat Critics

Deep frying chicken wings in canola oil.
This blog post offering by Mary Katherine May.

The problem with all of this stuff about what foods to eat and not eat is that  the people who recommend them never take into account what anyone likes. 
If you like white rice and think brown rice isn't delicious because it is "nutty" then eating brown rice will not be satisfying.   
If you like dark meat chicken with the skin on then dry white chicken is going to be like eating cardboard. 
If you like white toast and don't like whole grain bread because it is all lumpy and tastes like dirt then you are not going to switch over to whole grain bread.
If you like Chinese take out food then you are not going to be satisfied by eating baked or boiled chicken meat and a few vegetables made at home.
WHAT HAPPENS is that instead of working WITH what people like the brilliant healthy skinny people create an attitude of defeat.  If you are made to eat the healthy stuff and it isn't satisfying what you end up doing is eating the healthy stuff AND THEN eating more because there is no conclusion of the satisfying eating experience. 

Guilting people into healthy eating to be healthy doesn't work.  There is more to life than sweaty exercise and food that you don't like.  Satisfaction is important, and the health people seem to never take that into account.  What health professionals do to fat people is little different than those who proselytize their religion on someone who doesn't want it because it does not a thing for them mentally, emotionally.

To Michelle Obama and all those other health nuts: 
You cannot push your ideas on others and act like people can just throw out a lifetime of their own ways and methods. I don't know a single person who likes being fat, huge, obese, or piggy porky big--but you are never going to make it work through the current way of talking and doing. 

It is the way it is.  A noble cause that is just a bunch of words with no satisfaction in the experience will forever remain alphabet letters on the page and fail.

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