Showing posts with label Where Is God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Where Is God. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Myth or Reality God Exists Only If I Say So

Myth or Reality: Does GOD exist only if I say so?
MYTH: Christians will often say that there is the physical world and there is God's world. There are those who want to remove God from the world and are on the surface succeeding. 

REALITY: People have attempted to remove God for a very long time and it has never happened, never will. God created the world and everything in it. It is God's world. In the Spiritual realm there is darkness (denial of God) and there is light (God revealed) but God is always here in the now. 

Denying God does not remove God but rather builds a wall of darkness around the denier. It is called a hardened heart--you don't want God, He will ultimately leave you in the dark. 

God is, God has been and God always will be in all things, everywhere. God revealed is in the second person of the Holy Trinity, Jesus Christ. What a wonder this is! Last night I went to sleep in the presence of God, this morning I awoke in the same place and every moment of this day will be with Him. Christ is in our midst. Glorify Him.

This blog post offered by Mary Katherine May.