Showing posts with label Mary Katherine May. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mary Katherine May. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

What Will Put You in a Sunshine Mood Today? Nathaniel Hawthorne Quote

I cannot endure to waste anything so precious 
as autumnal sunshine by staying in the house.
~ Nathaniel Hawthorne ~
Hello Sunshine! by Mary Katherine May

> This blog post by Mary Katherine May of
> Image created by Mary Katherine May photograph using Corel Painter Essentials 6
> Image is free to download and save for nonprofit use.
> Quotation from Passages from the American Notebooks by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1868.

Where you are is there sunny sun out today creating the feeling of freedom and joy, energy and enthusiasm?  If not...make your own sunshine!  Think on something, do something that will put yourself in the mood.  Please, don't let weather control your disposition.

Every day is a great day because it is the LORD's day!

Monday, September 3, 2018

Spouse's POV Living with Dying Interstitial Lung Disease

Rick and Mary May
September 3, 2018
My husband is dying. I say it out loud far more than I should. It shocks people.  Maybe saying it aloud makes what's happening more real. Maybe it helps accepting the future. I don't know.

Blog post by Mary Katherine May

As a Christian I say that I am not afraid of death and am ready to die.  I now know the hypothetical is different than reality.  I don't believe I fear death, but I do know that being ready to die hypothetically is not even close to being true after hearing from the doctor my beloved is on his way to the pearly gates.

After nearly 45 years of marriage do I have the right to the feeling that it was shocking news? 

He is 68 years old and retired.  Does it mean I shouldn't feel grief but should expect it?

Interstitial Lung Disease is an awful thing.  The lungs fill up with stuff, choking the space where air should go meaning the unlucky recipient of scarring and honeycoming and whatever else dies by suffocating. 

We saw how it was with his Dad.  We know what's coming.

Living with do you keep going? Every heavy, noisy breath he takes...I stop asking him if he is alright. He must be tired of hearing me ask.

I am working on being positive.  Some days it's hard work.  No one in their right mind wants to live anticipating death. The best way to live is to make every day the best and leave death waiting until in front of its doorstep.

Washing up dishes after dinner is tough for him and so is making his bed. He has to stop and rest. Bending over to put on socks and shoes is tough so to make it easier he got velcro shoes. He is not supposed to travel by air anymore.

One year after diagnosis, he has lots of pills, oxygen machine, and handicap card for the car. He rides the motorized carts at the stores. Tasks he used to do himself now are hired out. He has to watch someone else do them and sees he is powerless to make what's happening change for the better.

...and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Mark 10:8
Sometime during the past year it came to me about how the Bible says that in marriage two become one.  I thought, how does one live when half of me is gone? Others have gotten through it, so can I. 

The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not want.
If Psalm 23 were only that one line long, it would say everything I need to hear.  I can't count how many times this one sentence has gotten my focus back to where it should be. 

Though I walk through the shadow of death
           ...thy rod and thy staff comfort me.
Here is where my faith is my staff.  I lean on my staff to make the walking easier.  Living the faith that I believe means trusting God to handle it for me, and though I forget to do that, the time getting back on track is shorter and I am forgetting less.

Truth!  By experience, I know that in reading the Bible I have placed in my mind Scripture that comes to mind when I need it to sustain me.  It's the same with hymns.  
Leaning on the Everlasting Arm
What a Friend We Have in Jesus
God Will Take Care of You... He does.

As a bookseller, I go through a lot of books.  Part of the preparation for selling is to look at each page so I can accurately describe the condition as well as determine if there will be a profit and price.  This blog post has come from looking at a volume of Annie Johnson Flint poetry and discovering her thoughts about The Heaviest Cross. 

It is not His cross that is heavy;
It is those that our hands have made
That hinder us on our journey,
On our aching shoulders laid;
There is strength for the load He gives us,
And balm for the thorn He sends,
But none for the needless burdens
And none for our selfish ends.

We bear a burden of sorrow;
We carry a weight of gold;
We cling to some treasured idol,
And will not loose our hold;
We bend beneath troubles and worries;
We drag the load of a wrong;
And we cry that the cross is heavy,
And sigh that the way is too long.

Let us drop the sin that besets us;
Let us cast aside our fears;
Let us give our grief to Jesus,
And break our pitcher of tears;
Let us learn of the meek and lowly
Who giveth the weary rest;
Let us take His yoke upon us,
And walk with Him abreast;

For His yoke is easy to carry,
And His burden is light in weight;
He will do His share of the labor,
For He is a true yoke-mate.
Are we weary and heavy laden?
Are we anxious and full of care,
That is not the cross of His giving,
But the one that we make and bear.
Annie Johnson Flint Poems Volume One
Toronto: Evangelical Publishers, 1944

October 7, 2018
Something changed this past month--not in our situation, but in me.  One day I realized that I had stopped anticipating death and had begun living through the circumstance.

Two things occurred to me. First: It had taken a year for my initial grieving to pass (my eyes no longer tear up at any moment) which seems to me a very long time; and, Second: that it is possible to live as though nothing has changed, even though everything has changed. Maybe hearing the coughing, listening to the oxygen machine, seeing how exhausted he gets has all become routine. I don't know. For sure, everything is going to be okay.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

A Mushroom Outing in Minnesota

Mushrooms! Fungi! 
This blog post by Mary Katherine May

It was a sunny day in September of 2016 that my husband and I went to the Sandhill Crane Natural Area in East Bethel, Minnesota.  It's just a wild place in its natural state. 

Going there means you will climb over fallen branches, walk through thick brush and over uneven ground.  We parked at an entry point which was the end of a cul de sac on a neighborhood street and walked in.  There never were any sandhill cranes in sight, but there was loads of fungi to photograph during the two hours (take or leave a few minutes) of exploration.  

I have been waiting to share some of the photos until I could put names to the mushrooms, and even bought a book but still having difficulties with identification. I am comfortable for the time being, however, with my pleasure at taking mushroom photos and will dig into identification at a later time. Fungi experts with ID skills welcome!

So...voila!  Here are some images from our Sandhill Crane Natural Area Adventure.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

What About This Jesus Prayer

The Jesus Prayer
Blog Post by Mary Katherine May

Who can any person change but themselves?  It is the result of the transformation within our self that changes others.  In matters of Christian faith, the transformation enacted to committed believer, a servant of the Lord, is performed by God.

So many Christians pray the Jesus Prayer. It is a blessing requested in order to be a blessing to, and for others.  It is an ancient prayer that when prayed we join the chant of our Brothers and Sisters in Christ throughout the centuries.

Jesus Christ, Son of God, 
have mercy on me, a sinner.

One sentence. 11 words of which the longest has six characters. The prayer can be carried with you in your heart and lips wherever you go. 

St. Hesychios the Priest on the Jesus Prayer
Source: The Philokalia, Vol. 1
The single-phrased Jesus prayer destroys and consumes the deceits of the demons.  For when we invoke Jesus, God and Son of God, constantly and tirelessly, He does not allow them to project in the mind's mirror even the first hint of their infiltration--that is to say, their provocation--or any form, nor does He allow them to have any converse with the heart. 
If no demonic form enters the heart, it will be empty of evil thoughts, as we have said; for it is the demons' habit to converse with the soul by means of evil thoughts and so deceitfully to pervert it.
Resources for the Jesus Prayer
Jesus Prayer, Prayer of the Heart from
Includes a downloadable trifold brochure

The Jesus Prayer at the Orthodox Church in America website,

Orthodox Prayer Ropes from St. Paisius Monastery in Arizona.

Many books have been written on the Jesus Prayer and there are no-cost resources available on the internet.

Rick & Mary May own the Christian-based webstore,

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Is Universal Salvation True According to the Bible

Blog Post by Mary Katherine May

Image by Mary Katherine May
Q: Is Universal Salvation True?

There are some Christians who believe that in the end every person, whatever they have done, even people like Adolph Hitler and Idi Amin, will be in eternity with God.

The logic is that Jesus Christ who is all love will not judge and punish--and I believe that true. There are, however, consequences of actions.

Definition: In Christian theology, universal reconciliation (also called universal salvation, Christian universalism, or in context simply universalism) is the doctrine that all sinful and alienated human souls—because of divine love and mercy—will ultimately be reconciled to God. (source:

A loving, just God will allow those who have performed heinous actions without remorse to finally have consequences for what they have done.

BUT believing in universal salvation as we understand the concept, or not, according to Scripture is not in the saving equation for which Jesus died and was resurrected from the dead.

What do the words of Jesus Christ tell us?

First: Jesus came to save the world. (John 3:16)

Second: All will be resurrected and stand before Jesus. (Acts 17: 31)
"For He has set a day when He will judge the world with justice by the Man He has appointed. He has given proof of this to all men by raising Him from the dead."
Third: Resurrection of Life and Resurrection of Evil (John 5: 25-29 NRSV)

“Very truly, I tell you, the hour is coming, and is now here, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live. For just as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted the Son also to have life in himself; and he has given him authority to execute judgment, because he is the Son of Man. Do not be astonished at this; for the hour is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and will come out, those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation."

I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved his appearing. 2 Timothy 4:8 NKJV

God bless your day. Amen.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Doubting Thomas A Biblical Idiom

Iconostasis of Transfiguration
church, Kizhi monastery,
Karelia, Russia
Doubting Thomas: A Biblical Idiom
Blessed are those who have not seen but still believe.
Blog Post by Mary Katherine May of

One of the tricky parts of learning a language foreign to you is that in everyday conversation you will not pick up on common sets of words which have cropped in that mean something to people comfortable with local vernacular language. These are known as idioms.

Idiom: a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words.

Doubting Thomas is an idiom based on the biblical story that took place after Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit, rose from the dead.
Doubting Thomas: A skeptic who refuses to believe without direct personal experience (source:
 In everyday life, holding back on believing something without firsthand experience that is trustworthy is most often a very good policy.

When it comes to the spiritual realm of Christian faith, however, belief and faith without trust are impossible.  I will qualify this statement with the fact that I believe spiritual experience, though unexplainable and misunderstood by those who do not believe, does provide assurance of the reality that Jesus Christ lives.
John 20: 24-29 NLT   One of the twelve disciples, Thomas was not with the others when Jesus came. They told him, “We have seen the Lord!” But he replied, “I won’t believe it unless I see the nail wounds in his hands, put my fingers into them, and place my hand into the wound in his side.” Eight days later the disciples were together again, and this time Thomas was with them. The doors were locked; but suddenly, as before, Jesus was standing among them. “Peace be with you,” he said. Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and look at my hands. Put your hand into the wound in my side. Don’t be faithless any longer. Believe!” “My Lord and my God!” Thomas exclaimed. Then Jesus told him, “You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing me. 
1 Peter 1: 8-9   Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls.
The facts are present and true:  Jesus was crucified.  He died.  His tomb was empty because he didn’t stay dead. He appeared and walked, talked and ate with his disciples. 

It is quite ironic that people who believe in ghosts, psychics, reincarnation, and a whole lot of other stuff refuse to believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the love of God, the Father. 

Monday, January 8, 2018

God Holding People Accountable Judgement VS Consequences

Blog post by Mary Katherine May of

You hear it on the news all of the time. People demand justice. Great offense is taken at any and all disrespect.  The fact of the matter is a whole lot of lousy stuff happens for which justice never, ever comes.

God's justice, however is a given fact.  For those whose desire for wrongs to be made right, be assured that one day, justice will come.

     There are those who have perpetrated such great evil and shown no remorse for what their behavior caused that without consequences for their actions God would not be just. This is not God judging, but a result of a person's behavior. 

     A loving God is also a just God. IF ultimately all are blessed and forgiven without seeking forgiveness then Jesus died for no reason. Then there is no need to be good, to be a Christian, go to church, and more. 

That all are saved is called Universal Salvation, or Universal Reconciliation. You will not find it in the Bible. From ancient times the consensus of the Christian Church is that Universal Salvation is a heresy. 

Most certainly, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ did reconcile all people to God. All people, however, don't seek reconciliation for themselves. Jesus Christ explains it himself:
“Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out: those who have done what is good will rise to live, and those who have done what is evil will rise to be condemned. John 5: 28-29
Scripture also tells us that it is NOT our place to judge. Only God knows the true character of each person's heart.

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we are called to love. Love our neighbor as we want to be loved...cared for, respected.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Does Church Size Determine Quality?

This blog post by Mary Katherine May.
Rick and Mary May operate the webstore

Large churches and mega churches have resources to do many good things. Small and medium size churches have up close and personal ministries that megas can't touch.

Church size is not a good, better, best thing. Quality comed in hearing God's calling and living it out to its fullest potential.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Will the Real Truth Please Stand Up

> Real Truth
>Selective Truth
>Partial Truth

This blog thought from the Christian Perspective by Mary Katherine May of

     There is real truth, which is finite, because it is irrefutable. 

Selective truth, another kind of truth that is true when it agrees with someone's viewpoint. People looking to prove their particular Christian viewpoint will choose selectively, out of context, from the Bible. Politics uses this second kind of truth. 

A third kind of truth is partial truth. A word or two is changed, an emphasis or stress is used when speaking and poof! Truth is turned into a manipulative tool. 

The first kind of truth is the only one that will never, ever come back to bite you, and the only one that proves a person trustworthy.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Carrying the Light of Jesus Christ in a Darkened World

A blog post comment by Mary Katherine May
Rick and Mary May own the webstore
December 28, 2017

Image Source: Wikimedia Commons
     Praising Jesus in a darkened world is the same as lighting a candle while singing Silent Night in church with the lights out on Christmas Eve. 

Christ is the light of the world and we Christians carry his light, too. He lives!

Christ is born!     Glorify Him!

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Lord Have Mercy It Is More Than Being Forgiven

A blog post comment by Mary Katherine May
Rick and Mary May own the webstore
December 23, 2017

Mercy is more than being forgiven. 

Mercy is also compassion that sees the brokenness in the human race with sorrow so great that Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior and Lord, was willing to take on himself human form to heal the breaks and then forget they were ever there.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Another NRA National Recovery Administration

National Recovery Administration

Why is this National Rifle Association NRA logo on antique, vintage and old sheet music? 

National Recovery Administration
The National Recovery Administration was part of the New Deal program during the Great Depression. 

The purpose was to encourage businesses to work together, promote stability and employment. 

Participating businesses were encouraged to use the Blue Eagle emblem on their products. 

There is a lot of good information to be learned about this NRA free on the internet. If you would like to know more I encourage you to use your favorite search engine.

Blog Post by Mary Katherine May of

Friday, May 5, 2017

List of 10 Christian Quotes Tweeted on Twitter by Mary Katherine May

Mary Katherine May
Twitter: @MaryKatherineM8
10 Christian Quotes 
by Mary Katherine May

Tweeted on Twitter April 29 - May 4, 2017

1 If all that offends someone is eliminated life will cease to exist. Silencing differences is not respect.

2 No doubt Christians suffer even to death what God promises is to preserve without blemish the souls of those who love Him. Glory to God!

3 If you are believer in Jesus Christ you will pray for enemies of the Savior & grieve they are lost.

4 Testimony of Conscience (Psalm 35) When you pray for someone & it is rejected or response is evil God sees you did right. Matthew 5

5 Do you not yet understand real happiness can't be manufactured but springs up & bubbles over when Christ is the center of your life? Peace.

6 Thrill in revenge hateful words is an evil tense addiction emotional drug that always must be fed. Choose peace & prayer Live God's love

7 Wherever Brothers & Sisters in Christ find community it's a good place to be joined by love for Savior thru Holy Spirit even on Twitter

8 Being mean isn't related to Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Conservative it is all about evil & sin. Spread peace not hate Get God. Get Love.

9 “I am the door,” Jesus said. It's not the house, it's the Life inside!

10 I can't say I'm a Catholic, Orthodox, Baptist, Lutheran, etc. What I can say is that I am a Christian who loves Jesus with all I've got.

Rick and Mary May operate Quality Music and Books, a Christian-based webstore.

It's not how worn or old the house, It's the Life inside!
Please download and share.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The Undoing of Babel by Mary Katherine May Opinion Bible Commentary

The Undoing of Babel

The Undoing of Babel by Mary Katherine may
A commentary by Mary Katherine May, a student of the Holy Bible. LINK to digital image, PDF file and Word Document on where Mary Katherine May has the user name BabaMary.

What does the Tower of Babel have to do with Pentecost????

It is such a great a blessing to be in the Word of God and see how God's plan for His children has been in place throughout history!  In the Old Testament book of Genesis, beginning with chapter 9, we read of Noah and his family and their descendants.

One of Noah's descendants through his son Ham was Nimrod the mighty warrior.  Nimrod founded many cities, including Babel...

Genesis 9, 10 and 11; Acts 1 and 2

It was after the flood that it happened. Noah, a good and righteous man, had obeyed God and built the Ark, loaded in the pairs of animals, his wife, his three sons and their wives, and then closed the doors and waited for rain. God had told him it was coming.

On that day it began like most rains—a few drops here, a few more drops there, and then…the rain came down as though they were right beneath a waterfall. No one inside the Ark heard much of anything outside the confines of their tightly-filled space for the noise of the downpour. It covered most of what went outside of the Ark fairly well.

Soon the boat began to rock from side to side. Noah braced himself, but one jolt caught his wife by surprise and she fell. The animals shifted, bleated and growled and pawed at the floor. There was nothing much anyone could do about it, so Noah’s three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, decided that it was time to rest before the animals’ beckoned them to once more to care for their needs.

After it was all over--when all could finally disembark, when dry land returned--how good everyone felt with that first breath of fresh, clean air—and the rainbow! It was exquisite! The animals leaped and ran and hopped, all under the multi-colored arch of beauty in the sky.

God said it was time to go and live a good life now. They were to have children, descendants that would populate all of the earth. Noah planted a vineyard, and after a time he reaped the fruit of his work, although on occasion a bit too much fruit was his fill. 

Drunk with wine, Noah staggered into his tent. Falling and tripping over his robes, they fell to the ground just moments before he did. In a drunken stupor he lay, naked and oblivious to his surroundings.

Shem and Japheth were not aware of their father’s plight, of the result of his sin of over indulgence. They were busy about their daily business. Ham, however, was not like his brothers. God had blessed Noah’s boys, but all was not well with Ham. He was perverse and his desires were not right.

Going to his father’s tent, Ham should have called out before entering, asking permission from Noah to see him—but that is not what he did. Ham had found traces of what his father had been about outside of the tent, and thus suspecting Noah’s condition he pulled back the coverings and entered.

We don’t know exactly what happened next, but it is suspected that Ham’s perverse mind was vividly, imaginatively busy in a shameful way. And because the sickness of his thoughts had so overcome him, Ham had the notion that his brothers’ thoughts were of the same kind as his.

Joking, with exaggerated speech and a gleam of delight in his eyes, Ham told his brothers of what he had witnessed. Only Shem and Japheth didn’t laugh or smile. They went to their father, and walking backward with coverings over their shoulders, cloaked his naked body, and then quietly and respectfully left Noah alone.

Noah found out what had happened and brought a curse upon Ham and his offspring. Ham had hidden his ways from his family before this, but no longer was it to be so—and God had always known, as God always knows.

Noah cursed Canaan, Ham’s son. Ham’s descendants were many and they scattered far and wide, including to Sodom and Gomorah and Babel—one of the cities that Nimrod the mighty warrior and a descendent of Ham founded.

Babel was a great city, far advanced in many skills and abilities. They were a proud people who delighted in themselves. It was decided that a tower should be built—a ziggurat¬¬--a mountain of stone--that would reach up to the heavens. But God saw that they were wicked people, having returned to the ways of those that had caused our Lord to send the flood, and so the Lord confounded their tongues with new languages that made it impossible for them to understand what each other was saying.

 The people scattered, populating the earth far and wide. People who were before neighbors, friends and families were now strangers who no longer could communicate, and soon they couldn’t recognize each other. And this is how it was.

 Yet, God remembered the people of the earth, and soon would come Abraham and Sarah, and later Moses and David. A very long time went by, and the story that follows is often far from pretty—until one night when the sky was clear and the stars were gently lighting the land below, a child was born. He was Son of God and Son of Man, and he was righteous, sinless, and obedient—even unto death. His name was Jesus.

 But there is more. He came out of the grave and went to be with His Father in Heaven. Fifty days later the Holy Spirit baptized the apostles of Jesus Christ, Son of God and Son of Man, with mighty power and a fire that burned with love for God so great that they could not do enough to spread His message of forgiveness and salvation.
The apostles immediately began to speak in the languages of the world, languages that were previously unknown to them. No longer would fear grip their hearts. They spoke with authority the words given to them by their Heavenly Father.
It was the beginning of the Christian church, bringing all believers together and uniting them in the Name of Jesus Christ, Savior and Lord. Now, when believers scattered it wasn’t for lack of understanding. Rather, they would bring the message of salvation, and the Body of Christ would continue to grow, vibrant and alive.

At Mount Sinai God gave the law on stone tablets. On Pentecost God gave himself in the form of the Holy Spirit. Let us rejoice for this gracious gift that is freely given. Amen.

Rick and Mary May live in Minneapolis, Minnesota where they operated the webstore  Rick is retired from a major corporation. Mary was a independent piano teacher and church musician. They have been married for 43 years and enjoy spending time with family and friends, exploring the natural world and trying new recipes.