Showing posts with label Square Peg in a Round Hole. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Square Peg in a Round Hole. Show all posts

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Square Peg or Round Hole Defining Your Life through God

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Square Peg or Round Hole? 
Defining Your Life through God
Blog post by Mary Katherine May

Sharp corners may be difficult to negotiate...
Every person needs a framework for life, what that is individually unique. There is the square peg with four equal sides defined by sharp corners which may be difficult to negotiate.

Thinking about this, it seems to me that a circle is just as defining as a square. Movement across (diameter) is the same in all directions. The flow around the border is able to move without changing course. Moving to the center, I can see in all directions clearly. From its borders I am always in the same relationship to the core.

The circle is the symbol for the universal and in that sense represents limitless possibilities. There is its association with wholeness and stability. 
At the core of my circle is God, defined through the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In the perfect core is perfect peace no matter what is going on and changing.
I look in and there is safety and hope, I look out and marvel at the power and magnitude of all creation. Inside the circle I find rest and outside of it I draw from its strength.

The experience is so great that it cannot be defined by words and welcomes all who will come.