Showing posts with label John 5-29. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John 5-29. Show all posts

Monday, January 8, 2018

God Holding People Accountable Judgement VS Consequences

Blog post by Mary Katherine May of

You hear it on the news all of the time. People demand justice. Great offense is taken at any and all disrespect.  The fact of the matter is a whole lot of lousy stuff happens for which justice never, ever comes.

God's justice, however is a given fact.  For those whose desire for wrongs to be made right, be assured that one day, justice will come.

     There are those who have perpetrated such great evil and shown no remorse for what their behavior caused that without consequences for their actions God would not be just. This is not God judging, but a result of a person's behavior. 

     A loving God is also a just God. IF ultimately all are blessed and forgiven without seeking forgiveness then Jesus died for no reason. Then there is no need to be good, to be a Christian, go to church, and more. 

That all are saved is called Universal Salvation, or Universal Reconciliation. You will not find it in the Bible. From ancient times the consensus of the Christian Church is that Universal Salvation is a heresy. 

Most certainly, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ did reconcile all people to God. All people, however, don't seek reconciliation for themselves. Jesus Christ explains it himself:
“Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out: those who have done what is good will rise to live, and those who have done what is evil will rise to be condemned. John 5: 28-29
Scripture also tells us that it is NOT our place to judge. Only God knows the true character of each person's heart.

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we are called to love. Love our neighbor as we want to be loved...cared for, respected.