Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Is American Exceptionalism Unique to America

Photograph by Mary Katherine May.
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Is American Exceptionalism Unique to America???

Blogpost article by Mary Katherine May.

I think it would be very odd if any country did not celebrate what makes it unique.  I cannot imagine any country fighting those who threaten the ability to maintain their own way of life as Germany, France, Great Britain, the U.S.A. have done multiple times.  I cannot imagine any country's peoples, now oppressed and ruled by another country, fighting to the death for independence and freedom to govern themselves as they now do.

Exceptionalism: A theory that a nation, region, or political system is exceptional and does not conform to the norm.

What is the norm around the globe that to which every country which governs itself conforms?  Is what is normal in the United States of America appropriate in the Philippines?  As Americans we would be the better for standing by and acknowledging each country's right to live in the manner unique to itself than to change ourselves into...into what?  The truth is we can't. No individual within a family or social culture can become what others believe they should be.  If the self-concept is flawed it is not the reality that is skewed but the perception of what really is.

Why shouldn't Americans be proud of our countries exceptional qualities??? Celebrating what is good in no way negates our faults. I find it both ironic and sad that these Americans that want to bring down national pride are at the same time very proud and loyal of their favorite sports teams. It shows how skewed their priorities are.

The Clone Kingdom
The goal of those who want to decrease in exceptionalism believe that through their benevolence the "playing field" for all will be made level and equal giving all a fair chance.  The truth is, however, that there is no level playing field.  In the work place there will always be bosses and those who work for the boss.  In sports there will always be owners and coaches who set the course for the team.  In education there will always be Principals and Teachers who dictate what the students are to do.  If there is nothing to strive for, there is no desire to gain. 

People are not clones but unique individuals, each having exceptional qualities.  Countries are not clones but unique unto themselves, each having exceptional qualities.  I balk at the notion that I should lower my standards in order to bring someone else's standard up. That is backwards.

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