Saturday, August 22, 2020

What Does the Systemic in Systemic Racism Mean? Is There a Cure or Is It a Terminal Illness?

This blog post by Mary Katherine May

22 August 2020

It is sometimes tough to understand where a group is coming from and understand but we must, whether friend or foe, because understanding is the key, if it is at all possible, to getting along and knowing the true nature of something. What does the adjective "systemic" mean, how does it apply to "systemic racism" and the situation we find ourselves experiencing in the U.S.A.?

Something that is "systemic" affects the whole organism. It can mean either something that is benefiting the whole or destroying the whole. What it is not is a cure like a drug that works its way through the body and heals it.

Thus, "systemic racism" means that it is not only a group such as the KKK, or a few people here and there who are racist. It means that every part of everywhere and everything in the USA is incurably diseased.

Here in America, it has taken on the meaning that everyone, everywhere who doesn't wear the color of skin relating to the practice of slavery by their very appearance has to be racist.
It also means that since all people and entities involved in founding, growing and developing the U.S.A. from its inception until now have the racist skin color and that our country is incurably permeated, systemically invaded with racism. All that is good, all that America has done that is good, is in this ideological thinking not good because at the core is evil.

It means that all that we know as the U.S.A. is hopelessly wrong, bad, and evil. And like putting pesticide solution on weeds, that invades their system and overtakes it, to kill them all so the good may grow, all that is present must die and be replaced with the new and right.

Those who believe this want it done now, no waiting--and why should they think anything else since there is no cure? For those prone to vengeance and violence, it means they can justify their actions. It means that accusing all who don't agree with their premise of systemic racism must be silenced and destroyed.
The only solution is new society, one that is systemically pure, must be put into place.

None of us knew that like going to bed at night, pulling the shade up in the morning and looking out at the world and ourselves, we would suddenly discover we had been born evil with no hope of change. This is what the left and their leaders are saying they believe needs to happen.

Do you see a parallel here between how Jesus came into the world to save us, to transform souls? Look at 1John 1:5-10. Think not only about the ideology of left and right, think about Joe Biden's acceptance speech and how he talked about systemic racism, darkness and light. Think about how they are not condemning the riots, want open USA borders, believe in letting aborted babies born alive die... Why does defunding police in the midst of chaos make sense to them? Because police, and law and order, gets in the way of destroying the fabric of a systemically evil America. In my thinking, what is happening is scary stuff.

Do you think I am on to something here or do you think I am way off the mark? If you have read this far, it is for you to decide. There is a Grand Canyon-size divide in America where on one side there is a curable disease and on the other a terminal illness. That is what "systemic" is all about.

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