Monday, March 12, 2018

How Hard Is It to Be Calm in the Middle of a Storm

We Christians are prolific on quoting Bible verses and talking about how being saved by Jesus Christ brings peace in all life experiences. Calm in the midst of the storm. Gale winds blow but we remain as strong as a rock, soaring above it all being carried on the wings of eagles.

Reality Check: Staying calm, not letting all the troubles, trials and tribulations change the psychological make up of mind and body is tough.  It of takes a lot of  work.

Maybe the reason so much is written about being at peace is because all the people who publish advice they are giving to themselves.  That is, ye complaineth too much!

Human beings are advice givers, not necessarily advice takers. For many Christians to admit to not being in perfect peace or not remembering to trust God is a shaming confession, even a terrible sin. What you will discover, however, in a group of honest believers is that an admission will lead to others having the same problem.

Being at peace is not impossible. There are times when a whole lot of stuff is swirling around yet in the core of my soul I am at rest.  The flesh, however, is weak and that means my body can still react physically to stress.

What to do about physical reactions to stress? Doing nothing changes nothing.

> Time Outs. 
Make a card of Bible verses that speak to your soul about peace.
Look at beautiful, peaceful photographs. 
Close your eyes and take deep breaths. 
Get a joke book and read it, humor is free medicine. 
Carry a pocket-size book of short, inspirational devotions.
Stretch and shake your limbs to release muscle tension.

But you have to do something. Stress and anxiety consume the soul with a negative impact and bring harm to the physical health of your body.

There is a good reason why Jesus says to not hate, pray for your enemies, forgive, and give everything over to Him. It is healthy. Carrying around burdens and cares blocks out all the blessings He has to give you.

It doesn't go away or get better or happen less without effort. That's a fact.

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