Friday, February 13, 2015

13 Timely Inspirational Christian Quotes Louis Evely

Our Prayer by Louis Evely
New York: Herder and Herder, 1970
13 Timely Christian Quotes from the book Our Prayer by Louis Evely
 New York: Herder and Herder, 1970
1.  What actually happens is that God proposes and man disposes. God is pure proposal, calling, grace: Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door,  I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me(Rev. 3:20).

2.  Prayer is listening to God’s prayer to us.

3.  God loves us equally, as much as we allow ourselves to be loved, as far as we open ourselves to his love. He beckons everyone, but forces no one. (p.10)

4.  God wants to enter into the most lively and affectionate relationship possible with each one of us; he is limited only by our refusal. (p. 11)

5.  You do not even have to look for God.  If you do, you will never find him, because he is never anywhere other than where you are. (p. 11)

6.  Idolatry is not a specialty of primitive civilizations—it is a modern industry: we are idol factories.  If one could extract all our false ideas about God from our brains and collect them together, one would have the finest ethnographic museum in the world, a fantastic collection of totems, taboos and demons. (p. 37)

7.  God made man in his image and likeness and now we have gone and done the same to him!  (p. 37)

8.  A Christian is someone who witnesses to the fact that God has spoken to him. (p. 62)

9.  God is not omnipotent in the way we think—that is, in the way we should like to become omnipotent.  He is omnipotence of love, not of force. (p. 91)

10.  By making man free God deliberately limited himself. (p. 94)

11.  You cannot understand the world if you seek to find the reflection of God’s will in it; but it all becomes clear if you see the consequences of man’s will in it. (p. 95)

12.  We believe that God intervenes without cease, but in keeping with his nature as revealed in Jesus Christ, respecting the laws he has established and the liberty with which he has endowed us.  (p. 104)

13.  We live in an order of grace, which is of freedom, not subjection.  God constantly shows himself, but by signs of love, not acts of power. (p. 104)

This blog post created by Mary Katherine May of

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