Monday, September 15, 2014

Terrorists Jihadists Why the Masks Where Are Your Faces

Opinion Editorial by Mary Katherine May

These terrorists are cowards all of them. They are not brave enough to show themselves but instead what they are doing in the name of Allah is done with scarves and hats over their heads to hide who they are. If theirs is a grand and noble cause then they should show who they are because what they stand for is worthy of its efforts. Instead they cower behind disguise and do terrible things because that is the only way that people will do what they want. 

They are quickly growing in numbers because God is allowing Satan to gather those who are lost by deception. This is a spiritual, Satanic war that is going on. Whether it is leading to the end of time as we know it or if finally all who are for righteousness declare themselves and beat it down in the name of the true God of Peace whose victory was won through the blood of Jesus Christ, only God knows. 

It is a fearful time but fear will not win when we stand aright in spite of fear, not ashamed to show who we stand for by being lights for Jesus Christ. Only evil crawls into the pit of darkness because light exposes it and them for who they really are. We must pray daily and not stop praying. Pray for those consumed by this evil, pray for peace, pray for ourselves to be strong, and pray for our families.

To those Christians who rejoice believing the end is near I say that is a shameful thing. Rejoicing when so much suffering is going on shows no Godliness but is instead mean-spirited and sick behavior. 

To those Christians who believe the Rapture will spirit you away before heinous acts of terrorism and great final war reach where you are, I wonder why all the Christians who have now been displaced, tortured and brutally murdered have been excluded from this blessed event. Can you really believe that God decides who to rapture by location, as in where they live? 

There is sorrow for every lost soul and our sorrow should be no less. The rejoicing that should be happening for Christians is that though we are sinners we have forgiveness through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In this is our peace and hope. Amen.

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